Crafting unforgettable experiences completely tailored to you.

Servicing the Greater Wellington Area & The Mighty Manawatu

All genres, best rates.

Supplying all the equipment, experience and care needed to make your next event one to remember.


Dj Speaker


Party Light Icon

PA & Karaoke

mic drawing art


Wedding Rings


Community Line Icon


cake, candle, birthday cake icon


Trophy Icon


Party Cocktail Drink

Work Parties

Monoline Brainstorm Icon

School Balls

Disco Ball Icon

And More

wastafel, kitchen sink, sink, basin

“We Hired Brendon for my country themed 50th Birthday.

It made such a huge difference.

He is professional, organized, and about half the price of everyone else.

Can’t recommend him enough”

Kathryn - Wellington

Click the creepy ai people for more!

“It’s important to tailor the entire experience

including the budget.

I will always aim to keep things affordable for everyone.

I’m always open to charity gigs too, Just reach out.”

Let’s chat.

“He who asks is a fool for 5 minutes, He who does not ask remains a fool forever”

Mark Twain

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021 029 37467

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Brendon McQuinn - DJ/Founder